
LMT 15

The 2018 year is soon over. I should more often publish these. Much has happened and I have developed a lot for the new year but how many things do I get ready. Many in the below topics associated with python but I have also done tests in different languages example c# with GuessTheNumber.

IT8c and VSLst got a big update that takes forward my system that maintains all the information. The first release of the visual addon project is out and its PTIA. Need to do a tutorial for that. Python test codes received their own ID but still maintain an alphabetic system. PTB Database has been delayed a lot. But that will be a big deal. A few other things I have developed but have not reached the finishing.

I've added more info and tags to repositories.

Time Leap:

This Time Leap idea came from a friend and I wanted to help him play idle games better. This software is able to change pc's time temporarily.

I have bought a few things, but they will become its own separate post. For example, I bought a few products on black friday. It's somewhat hard to make any video so they're coming to this blog.
