
GHS Päivitys

 ”Puhumme suomea” terv. dvd 

Nettisivu Github :in kautta sai täysin uuden ilmeen ja tulen sinne keskittämään kaikki tiedot. Sivustoon tulee vielä paljon lisää sisältöä ja kehityksiä mutta eka versio on jo ulkona. 

Vaikka on ollut pitkä hiljaiselo, olen silti tehnyt töitä taustalla. Uusittu nettisivu on ollut yksi osa isoa tulevaisuuden suunnitelmaa mitä tässä ajassa on tullut rakenneltua.



Throwback 2017

I'm going (hopefully) to start again this year to make things with Blender. I really like to designing but making them just into pictures is somewhat slow. I did this for a Facebook quiz long time ago where asked what would be your dream PC case.

This case is probably hard to build irl. The idea here is that the cables would come from only one direction and the traditional rear of the PC would also be the front IO. Because of this design, the motherboard (red) is upside down. Internal cable routing is easy because 'left' side of this PC case have a lot of space. Cables can be tied to the blue pillars. The PSU (dark green) and hard drives (yellow) have their own compartment. 


LMT 15

The 2018 year is soon over. I should more often publish these. Much has happened and I have developed a lot for the new year but how many things do I get ready. Many in the below topics associated with python but I have also done tests in different languages example c# with GuessTheNumber.

IT8c and VSLst got a big update that takes forward my system that maintains all the information. The first release of the visual addon project is out and its PTIA. Need to do a tutorial for that. Python test codes received their own ID but still maintain an alphabetic system. PTB Database has been delayed a lot. But that will be a big deal. A few other things I have developed but have not reached the finishing.

I've added more info and tags to repositories.

Time Leap:

This Time Leap idea came from a friend and I wanted to help him play idle games better. This software is able to change pc's time temporarily.

I have bought a few things, but they will become its own separate post. For example, I bought a few products on black friday. It's somewhat hard to make any video so they're coming to this blog.



Free Destiny 2

Have you noticed? You can claim Destiny for free until 18.11-2018 via Battle.net
You can also be a new user to claim this


Smart Label Printer 450 Drivers

I did not find any easy instructions on how to get or install drivers and thought I needed special drivers but no. I chose the latest driver and I downloaded.

I picked custom install (The "Complete" installation did not work for me).

Then open the "Windows Printer Driver" where I found the right device to enable it and now I was able to continue normal installation. By default it was disabled

SLP 450 Printer works! You can get these printers at a good price because they are old, but useful after latest driver



Google Chrome got a new style


But you still get the old style back if you want from settings. I like a new style but hopefully that certificate will be green on https pages in future.



New order to wish

I noticed that the monitor supports two inputs so I wanted backup camera



Products arrived from Wish

TFT Monitor:
Volvo seat belt pad:

The products came in and lasted no more than 2-3 weeks. First came the seat belt pad and then monitor. Seat belt pad even came as a right color choice. The monitor is not a miracle. The text is fuzzy and the picture quality is missing but it comes to simple use where this may not be a problem. I'm going to make a video at least from this monitor because there were problems with getting the picture which was not due to this monitor.



Little mods to my daily car

Link to this product

Link to this product

I decided to try to buy something from Wish. The idea has been modifying own daily for some time. This sounded like a good idea, but does it work?



Nokia 8: First preview

Now it was time to switch to a new smartphone. I've been thinking for some time what the next would be. But using the Samsung Galaxy S6 (4G) there was no huge difference to others smartphones. S6 was a surprisingly good.
The important features I wanted was usb type-c and vanilla android. And I got a good deal in the store about Nokia and decided to try it.

The first impression after the purchase was weird because it needed to connect to a wifi so that android could upgrade to 8.1.0 before I can play with it even though own subscription is actually much better. But after that it was great and snappy.

I write about this more later when I am familiar with this